executive board nominations

Inaugural president Sean Walsh, top, and vice president Tanya Near welcome you to the Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 academic year executive board and standing committee chair nominations. IMAGE: PENN STATE

Now through April 3rd, The World Campus Student Government Association (WCSGA) is accepting executive board and standing committee chair nominations for the Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 academic year. These positions provide representation for the student body while expressing the interest and concerns of students. The executive board and standing committee chairs also maintain collaborative relationships with World Campus faculty and administrators on behalf of the student body. 

Would you or someone you know make a perfect fit? Make a nomination Here!

Nominations are accepted for the following executive board and standing committee chair positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Speaker of Assembly, Academic Affairs Chair, Student Affairs Chair, Technology Chair, Marketing and Communications Chair, and Governmental Affairs Chair. 

These positions collaborate during biweekly meetings that generally last 1 to 2 hours. Each individual position has independent work in addition to these biweekly meetings. Please keep in mind this time commitment when considering nominations.


  • Full-time or part-time continuous enrollment with PSU World Campus
  • Good academic standing
  • Must have completed at least 1 semester at World Campus prior to nominations
  • Must maintain a minimum of 3 credit hours per semester throughout academic year

Executive Board Powers and Responsibilities:


  • Shall serve as head of the Executive Board until the adjournment of the last council meeting of the Spring semester.
  • Shall attend all Executive Board meetings.
  • Shall approve the agenda for all Association meetings.
  • Shall actively pursue the discussion and involvement of the Associationin issues of concern.
  • Shall advise committee chairs and assist in the performance of their responsibilities. 
  • Shall approve or veto all legislation passed by the Assembly.
  • Shall submit an end-of-year report upon completion of his/her term of office.
  • Communicate with the faculty adviser weekly to discuss Executive Board and council business. 
  • Will serve as a representative to the Board of Trustees and any other governing bodies as deemed necessary.

For more information regarding the President position, please contact Sean Walsh at smw5312@psu.edu.

Vice President

  • Assume the Office of the Presidency if the President resigns, is impeached, or is unable to successfully fulfill his/her duties.
  • Shall attend all Executive Board meetings.
  • Communicate with the President and faculty adviser monthly to discuss Association business. 
  • Assist the President in enforcing the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Board and Assembly members.
  • Assume the responsibilities of vacated positions until a replacement has been duly appointed. 
  • Work with the President and Speaker to review by-laws that govern the Executive Board and Committees.
  • Submits a written mid-year report to the association and all interested bodies.
  • Shall assist the President in dividing committee member responsibilities and duties, ensuring all even distribution of workload.
  • Will serve as a representative to the Board of Trustees, University Faculty Senate, and any other governing bodies as deemed necessary.

For more information regarding the Vice President position, please contact Tanya Near at tmn5245@psu.edu.


  • Shall be responsible for recording meeting minutes and serve as the official timekeeper for meetings.
  • Will internally post the meeting minutes.
  • Coordinates with the Speaker of the Assembly to consolidate agenda items and distribute meeting agendas.
  • Assist in the formatting and production of WCSGA newsletter.
  • Shall maintain a calendar of all WCSGA meetings and approved activities.
  • Has standing meetings with the Marketing and Communications chairperson.
  • Shall attend all WCSGA Executive Board meetings.
  • Shall document attendance at all Executive Board and Council meetings, plus maintain this as a permanent record of all members in attendance and absent.
  • Shall compile and maintain attendance reports from individual committee meetings.
  • Shall provide all newly approved and proposed amendments to the Marketing and Communications committee for distribution.
  • Shall ensure that all approved amendments are expeditiously incorporated into WCSGA Constitution and Bylaws and updated accordingly.
  • Shall keep an on-going permanent record of all WCSGA accomplishments and activities for the duration of the academic school year.

For more information regarding the Secretary position, please contact Rikki Anderson at rla5268@psu.edu.


  • Shall ensure the WCSGA follows established University-wide financial policies and procedures.
  • Develop and present annual budget to the Executive Board and upon approval, present it to the Director of Student Affairs.
  • Shall submit a detailed budget report to the Executive Board and Director of Student Affairs at the end of each Fall and Spring semester.
  • Manage and approve all financial expenditure and reimbursement transactions in accordance with proper WCSGA procedures and policies with full WCSGA authorization.
  • Shall be responsible for the establishment, monitoring, and on-going support of budgeted category accounts and all transactions therein.
  • Shall submit a monthly report to the Executive Board and academic adviser, detailing previous month’s financial details, transactions, and disbursement requests.  
  • All reports must be published and made available for review and download by University students, faculty and staff.
  • Shall provide full resources and transition resources for the next administration, including important contact information, prior meeting notes, financial records, upcoming tasks, and other important details.
  • Shall attend all WCSGA Executive Board meetings and Executive Council meetings.

For more information regarding the Treasurer position, please contact Jessica Ringenary at jpr5786@psu.edu.

Speaker of Assembly

  • Establishes a set of meeting rules and presents it to the Executive Council at the first meeting or be responsible for using Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Shall coordinate with the President for approval of meeting agendas.
  • Shall coordinate with the Secretary for meeting schedules throughout the year.
  • May call an informal meeting in order to facilitate discussion of specific topics during non-scheduled meeting times.
  • Shall report to the Vice President of the Executive Board.
  • Moderate commentaries from the membership meeting attendees if comments are not relevant to the discussion at hand. 
  • Shall collect questions, concerns, and ideas from Penn StateWorld Campus students via Committee Chairs.
  • Shall be responsible for ensuring that all members have access to the Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Shall assist the President in dividing committee member responsibilities and duties, ensuring all even distribution of workload.
  • Oversees all impeachment proceedings.

For more information regarding the Speaker of Assembly position, please contact Johanna Welsh at jmw1153@psu.edu.

Standing Committee Chair Powers and Responsibilities:

Academic Affairs Committee Chair

  • Shall be responsible for advocating for and providing a collective voice to student representation in academic policies and procedures. 
  • Helps provide a student perspective as new degree programs for World Campus are developed and reviewed.
  • Helps evaluate current online learning tools,in coordination with the Technology Committee,and their efficiency as they pertain to World Campus users.
  • Shall work with Penn State academic organizations to foster close relationships with University faculty and administrators.
  • Shall serve on, or maintain communication with, committees pertaining to World Campus related academic issues.
  • Collaborate with the Vice President on University Faculty Senate-related affairs.
  • Shall assume other duties and responsibilities as determined by theExecutive Board and Committee.

For more information regarding the Academic Affair Committee Chair position, please contact Amber Thomas at art5468@psu.edu.

Student Affairs Committee Chair

  • Shall represents the student voice related to services and programs such as career and mental health, student clubs and organizations, student engagement activities and events, student conduct and advocacy, diversity and inclusion, plus leadership development.
  • Shall work to maintain a strong relationship with the Penn State World Campus Student Affairs Office and the WCSAB. 
  • Shall meet with the Director of Student Affairs or their designee at least once each semester to update the Director on the activities of the Committee as well as express any feedback the Committee may have pertaining to the Office of Student Affairs.

For more information regarding the Student Affairs Committee Chair position, please contact Stacy White at smw6192@psu.edu.

Technology Committee Chair

  • Shall be responsible for advocating for improvements to technology.
  • Shall act as a liasion with key technology administrators to ensure technology enhancements are made while centering the student voice, including ensuring the student perspective is heard as it relates to online administrative and learning platforms such as LionPath, Canvas, Penn State libraries and emerging technologies.
  • Coordinates with Academic Affairs on technology-related issues.

For more information regarding the Technology Committee Chair position, please contact Matthew Hansen at mah60@psu.edu.

Marketing and Communications Committee Chair

  • Shall manage all external communications, social media and website updates for the WCSGA.
  • Drafts press releases, periodic reports, and social media posts to improve WCSGA accessibility and transparency for students,faculty and administration.
  • Actively promote student understanding of, and participation in, the WCSGA.
  • Serve as the point of contact for WCSGA media relations coordinator.
  • Coordinate, develop, and maintain the WCSGA social media presence.
  • Develop, advance and promote the annual Marketing and Communications Marketing plan.

For more information regarding the Marketing and Communications Chair position, please contact Danielle Potter at drp5396@psu.edu.

Governmental Affairs Committee Chair

  • Shall represent the interests of the student body and the University to all governmental and regulatory bodies external to Penn State World Campus.
  • Sponsor and promote events related to civic engagement, student-engaged mobilization efforts, and other matters of governmental concern.
  • Work to identify and assess issues within national, international and local governments that may pose potential threats or possible benefits to World Campus students.
  • Create, manage and maintain opportunities to educate and inform students on internal and external governmental issues and procedures that may impact students’ accessibility to higher education.

For more information regarding the Governmental Affairs Committee Chair position, please contact WCSGA email at psu.wcsga@gmail.com.

Nominations are accepted here! If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns about the executive board or standing committee chair positions, email psu.wcsga@gmail.com.